Young Eco-Journalists 2021
Young Eco-Journalists is a bi-communal workshop, addressed to Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot students of Journalism/Communications or recently graduated journalists. It aims a) to sensitise a small group of future professional journalists about the importance of ecological and/or environmental issues, and b) to demonstrate the need for cooperation in a divided island, since our environment does not recognize Green Lines, but is common to all Cypriots.
This year’s Young Eco-Journalist workshop was held on Zoom. It was about the consequences of Covid-19 on the Environment. Participants from six countries took part in the workshop and had the opportunity to learn about the impacts of the global pandemic and to present their research on the environmental challenges we face.
Our eco-journalism workshop is funded by the Leventis Foundation and is under the auspices of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, so each year the Ambassador participates in the presentations by the participants and awards the certificates.