‘Fytiotiko weaving’ handbook
The Laona Foundation is delighted to announce the publication of the first ever illustrated manual on ‘Fytiόtiko weaving’. The manual will offer guidance to young weavers concerning weaving patterns, and the loom on which they are woven. Its aim is to save and preserve this unique tradition dating back to the Cypriot Middle Aged, but also to inspire the next generation of artists and artisans. Its author is Julia Astreou-Christoforou, a weaver in her own right and deeply knowledgeable about textiles and embroideries.
Fytiotiko weaving is considered the most typical weaving tradition of Cyprus distinguished by its wealth of multicoloured designs, so expertly executed that they resemble embroidery. Passed down from generation to generation, the art of Fytiόtiko is associated with the island’s historical and cultural evolution. This publication is intended both as a guide for those interested in practicing Fytiόtiko weaving and as a source of inspiration for their own creations. The presentation of material starts with texts of interest both to the weaver and the general reader, viz. chapters 1- 6. The evolution of Fytiόtiko, uses of woven fabrics, details of designs and their origins and also setting up the loom are in Chapters 1-5. A sampler of the main designs and a pictorial description of the loom are included. Chapter 6 reveals the role Fytiόtiko played in the local economy. Chapter 7 shows newcomers to weaving how tradition can form the basis of contemporary expression. Finally, three Appendices, are aimed at the practicing weaver explaining the process pictorially and diagrammatically.
The publication is funded by the Cultural Services, the Cyprus Handicraft Service, the Paphos Municipality, and the Andrey and Julia Dashin’s Foundation, to all of who we express sincere gratitude.
ISBN: 978-9925-7788-0-5
Price: €23
The ‘Fytiotiko weaving’ handbook can be purchased at the following points:
Cyprus Handicraft Centre, 186 Athalassas Ave., 2025 Nicosia, Tel: (+357)22 305024
Moufflon Bookshop, 2 Mnasiadou Str., 1st Floor, Pantazis Court, 1065 Nicosia, Tel: (+357) 22 665155, bookshop@moufflon.com.cy
Julia Astreou Julia Astreou Woven Textiles, 1 Staint Barbaras Str., 1021 Nicosia, Tel: (+357) 22 466373, jastreou@yahoo.com
Cyprus Handicraft Centre, 25 Themidos Str., 3036 Limassol, Tel: (+357) 25 330118
Cyprus Handicraft Centre, 64 Apostolou Pavlou Str., 8046 Paphos, Tel: (+357) 26 240243