Laona Foundation

LIFE – AgrOassis: Regenerative approaches for building climate change resilience in EU agricultural regions prone to desertification

Resilient Hedgerow Installation


To achieve this goal, a nursery infrastructure for production of specialized planting tubes will be built. As a second step the production of seedlings preconditioned to drought stress will be established. The final step will be to implement planting of hedgerows in degraded wheat fields, margins and road sides connecting fields, and in burnt and/ or degraded orchard margins. Within 500ha of cereal fields and orchards prone to desertification in Cyprus and Greece around 30 km of hedgerows (6000 trees and 12000 shrubs) will be planted in burnt and/or degraded agricultural land of Cyprus, replicated in about 3km of land in Greece (600 trees and 1200 shrubs) in the regions of Thessaly and Crete. The project aims at including in its programme at least 350ha of land in Cyprus, 100 ha in Thessaly and 50ha in Crete.